Squirrel Class
Welcome to Squirrel Class 24-25
Welcome Letter
Spring 2 2025 Castles and Quests
Spring 1 Stone Age Britain
Autumn 2 2024 China
Autumn 1 2024 Rainforests
Welcome to Squirrel Class 2023-2024
Welcome to the Squirrels class page! I will share lots of photos of the fun things we get up to in class.
There will also be the new spellings uploaded each half term along with a copy of the topic web.
Summer 2: Explore the history of Eyam
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Autumn 2 Pole to Pole
Autumn 1 & Welcome Letter - Britain in the Blitz
Welcome to Squirrels Class 2022-2023
Class teacher: Mrs Barrett
Welcome to the Squirrels class page! I will share lots of photos of the fun things we get up to in class.
There will also be the new spellings uploaded each half term along with a copy of the topic web.
What a lovely bunch!
Summer 2 Spectacular Sculpture
Summer 1 2023
Spring 2 2022-2023
Spring 1 2022-2023
This half term is all about Anglo-Saxons! We will be learning how and why they came here, how they lived and how they have influenced modern day life.
Spellings will continue to be tested on a Friday and weekly homework uploaded to Seesaw. For year 6, they will have CGP books sent home and the pages to be completed each week will be on Seesaw.
Autumn 2 2022-2023
This half term we will be learning all about the Victorians, including a trip to Quarry Bank to visit the mill and apprentice house.
Spellings will continue to be tested on a Friday and weekly homework uploaded to Seesaw.
STEM Workshop: Bridge Building
We were very lucky to have a workshop led by Volker Rail about bridges and how they are constructed. Squirrels and Owls were put into teams and worked together to design and construct a bridge that would hold at least one can of beans!
They worked brilliantly together and produced some fantastic constructions, paying attention to what shapes are strongest and how they could use the materials they were given. See our photo gallery for more pictures!
Autumn 1 and Welcome Letter 2022-2023
Dear Parents,
I hope that you and your family had a lovely summer break and enjoyed the wonderful weather we had. The children have settled into their new year groups fantastically and have already produced some super work.
I will be updating the class page on the website with each half term’s topic web (a copy has also been sent home) and some pictures of the fantastic work and activities Squirrels get up to. There is also the fortnightly newsletter to keep you up to date with important dates and information.
This year, Squirrels will be well supported by Mrs Lewis, so they have another familiar face in class.
Children have PE on a Tuesday with Mrs Lewis and on a Thursday with Mrs Longley. Please ensure they come to school in their PE kits and trainers. If the weather is wet, then please also send them with dry socks and their school shoes, as they will still use the pitch and yard for PE where possible. We encourage a positive attitude towards PE as it is so important for physical and mental health and it is wonderful to see them taking part. If you have a child with ear piercings that cannot be removed, please also send tape or plasters so these can be covered.
New spellings will be taught on a Friday and tested the following Friday morning. These will include spelling rules and word families as well as statutory Y5/6 spellings. A paper copy of the half termly list will be sent at the start of each half term and they will also be available on the website.
Both year groups will have a weekly piece of homework that will either support the maths or English work they are doing in school. This will be uploaded to Seesaw on a Thursday and is due the following Wednesday. If you need the information to log onto Seesaw then please let me know.
I know home life can be very busy, so I appreciate your support in helping children learn their spellings and complete their homework. It helps t and prepare for secondary school.
Reading is important throughout the school and we promote a positive reading environment in our classroom. All children will have at least one reading book and they can bring a book between home and school. Each child has a reading record and adults can also record what has been read and write comments. We would like you to read with your child at least 5 times a week, talk to them about what they have read and make a record of it in their reading record. We also encourage children to read across a wide variety of genres and texts. Please ensure the reading record comes back to school each day.
Children can bring a book bag to school, if necessary, but please no other bags (other than lunch bags) as there is limited cloakroom space for our class.
If you have any questions or concerns, then please do not hesitate to ring the school office or make an appointment to have a chat.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon and a happy year. Kind Regards,
Mrs Barrett
Autumn term spellings. These are tested on a Friday and should be practised at home.
Squirrel Class Gallery
Butterfly Park visit
Viking Day
Ministry of Chocolate day
Young voices at Sheffield Arena
Wellbeing in Squirrels
Squirrel's sporting challenges!
Anglo-Saxon Britain
Bridge Building
Christmas Jumper Day!
Victorian Games