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School Values and Vision

Vision Statement:

Eyam School will be a thriving community built of self-motivated, resilient learners who work together using critical thinking skills to achieve and celebrate success through a culture of respect.

This really is lived out in all we do at Eyam - the respect we show our work through our careful handwriting and the responses we make to marking, the behaviour we show towards each other and our resilient attitude to learning and the manner in which we welcome visitors to our school as well as the positive impact we have in the village community.

Core Values:

Our core Eyam values are: Respect, Resilience, Responsibility

School Motto: 

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More

Eyam School Aims:

⦁    Create successful resilient learners who take responsibility for their own learning and are prepared to embark on future challenges with excitement and confidence 
⦁    Ensure we provide innovative learning opportunities that develop the whole child empowering pupils to explore and believe in themselves
⦁    Establish an environment where children and adults feel welcomed, valued, happy and secure, irrespective of gender, race or disability. 
⦁    Help children understand Britain's cultural heritage; 
⦁    Prepare children for life, to be responsible citizens who are able to adapt and grow as technology and society changes 
⦁    Teach children to have an awareness of their own spiritual development, and to distinguish right from wrong;
⦁    Value the importance of an effective partnership with parents and the community to encourage each child to reach their full potential. 

Our Values - Respect, Resilience and Responsibility

These values under-pin our whole school reward system and we have worked together as family groups to discuss and debate how these values may look.

There are 4 stages to work through and achieving each stage shows a growing awareness of our responsibility, independent resilient learning and respectful behaviour towards ourselves, each other, the staff and wider community. 

We elect our School Council (SC) with a democratic system of confidential voting after candidates have made proposal to their class.  The SC is just one example of our work that promotes and reflects our values. Our children learn to respect rituals and beliefs of a range of faiths including Christianity. 

There are in-class responsibilities in each class, we use first news as a spring board for discussing what is happening across the world. We all work to the same school rules and understand the consequences of not helping each other to follow them. All classes learn about and discuss and debate a range of ways that bullying can be tackled. 

We work with the local beat officer to enable older children appreciate the wider implication of poor behaviour.

All visitors are made welcome in our school – we are striving to become a school of Sanctuary enabling the children to be literate in the language of transition, displacement, loss and isolation. 

Here our entrance display is focussed on ideas to save electricity and money during the month of Advent – showing the children that we can praise God and celebrate a new life and a new chance whilst reflecting on our own behaviour and self-discipline. 

Children are encouraged to make choices in their learning as well as at playtime. They learn how to make safe choices and how to be resilient, well rounded and exciting individuals who are ready to face the challenges that life holds.

Let your light shine - Matthew 5:16

'Let your light shine' from Matthew 5:16 is lived out through the behaviour and caring support from both children and staff.

At Eyam we strive to share good deeds in order to help others and reflect the nature of Christ. We study the Christian virtues of compassion, hope, trust, friendship, generosity, respect, courage, thankfulness, justice and truthfulness during Worship and reflect on how we can show them through our everyday lives at home and at school as well as in the community. At Eyam we show that God’s light shines through our attitudes, words and deeds.

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