How can I help support my child’s learning?
The guidelines for the amount of homework primary school children should be doing are:
- Hedgehogs (Reception, Y1 and Y2): 1 hour per week
- Owls (Y3 and Y4) : 1.5 hours per week
- Squirrels (Y5 and Y6) : 30 minutes per day
Children should not be expected to spend significantly longer on homework than the guide times set out above. It does not matter if activities do not take as long as the guide times as long as they are useful. We organise homework carefully so that children are not expected to do too much on any one day. Every child has a Homework Book that has their homework stuck in to it.
Please see class pages for homework timetable and details
What sort of activities should children be doing?
All homework activities will be related to work that children are doing at school. However, homework will not always be written work. For young children it will largely be:
- Reading with parents or carers
- Informal games to practice mathematical skills
For older children, homework may include:
- Reading
- Preparing a presentation to the class
- Finding out information
- Making something
- Trying out a simple scientific experiment
- Cooking
How to help your child to read
At Eyam we have a booklet all about reading - please ask for a copy!
A quick introduction to phonics: Using phonics when you are reading
Should I help my child with homework?
There are times when teachers will want to see what your children can do on their own. It is particularly important, as they get older, for your children to become increasingly independent in their learning. Children are likely to get more out of an activity if parents get involved as long as they do not take over too much. If you are unsure about what your role should be, you should discuss it with your child’s teacher. They will be very pleased that you are interested and will want to help you get the balance right
Feedback on your child’s homework
Feedback may not always happen through written comments from the teacher. Sometimes, work will be discussed in lessons or we may give written comments on just one or two aspects of a piece of work. If you are concerned about the feedback given to your child you should discuss this with your child’s teacher.
10 things you can do to help your child learn
1. Give your child confidence through lots of praise and encouragement:
As a parent, you have tremendous power to strengthen your child’s confidence – and confidence is vital to learning.
- Provide specific praise that focuses on a particular aspect of their work. Comments such as “I like the way you have…” is more effective than “You’re clever!”
2. Read to, and with, your child as much as possible:
As part of the National Year of Reading the Government is encouraging parents and carers to read to children, hear them read, or encourage them to read to themselves for at least 20 minutes a day.
3. Encourage your child to observe and talk about their surroundings:
Even young children can be helped to read notices and signs, for example, and understand what they mean.
4. Make use of your local library:
Look out for special events and services for children.
5. Visit museums and places you think your child might find interesting:
Children now have free admission to major national museums and art galleries.
6. If your children like watching television, watch it with them sometimes and encourage them to talk about what they have seen. They will get more out of the experience.
7. Try to set time aside to do “homework” activities with young children.
8. Wherever possible, try to provide a reasonably quiet place for children to do homework (or help them to get to other places where homework can be done).
9. Encourage your child to discuss homework with you.
10. Try to help your child to see the enjoyable aspects of homework.