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New to School?

Dear Parents

On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, I’d like to welcome you to Eyam Church of England Primary School.  We are a friendly village school that believes in the value of all children and want all those who become part of our school community, whether a child or an adult, to feel valued, happy, respected and to recognise their role in continuing to make our school excellent.  Our school motto is Together Everyone Achieves More – we believe that everyone has something special to contribute and take every opportunity to celebrate the many and varied achievements of our children working together to help each other.

We understand choosing your child’s school is a big decision and have put together some information you may find helpful - please click here to access some useful links. Please do come and visit us on our Open Day on 24th October from 9:30am-11am, or call the school to arrange a time to come and look around. 

We are very happy to accept flexi schooling at Eyam and already work with families for whom this works well.  If you would like to know more please come in and talk to us or see the policy documents. 

Each Summer term the older pupils help staff to run 'Teddy Bear Club', an afternoon each week for the new Reception Starters to get to know the school and meet the staff, play with other children and even stay for lunch one of the weeks. It also means that when school starts in September the children are already familiar with each other and the school - even knowing where the toilets are is such as help for the start of term in September. 


Our staff work together to provide the best education and promote a lifelong love of learning whilst supporting each child to reach their potential in every area of school life – academic, social, personal, physical and spiritual.  Many who visit us comment on the strength of our ‘staff team’ and their shared commitment to help every child in the school achieve their best.  We value the importance and positive partnership with parents and the local community and hope you will support us in this too.

Every Autumn we hold a special opening morning for our potential reception new starters where you are welcome to come and see us in action.  Before we break up for the summer we run ‘Teddy Bear Club’ where your child is invited into school one afternoon a week for 6 weeks (having lunch with us on one week).  We find this really helps the children settle in well to Hedgehog Class when they start in September, as they get to meet their teacher, the staff and of course the other children who delight in welcoming and helping them out!

Thank you for your interest in our school, I look forward to welcoming you.

Oona Gilbertson
