We have a half termly review of attendance which is reported to the Governing Body. The reasons for absence are explored and any unusual patterns are followed up. Unauthorised absence is chased up daily. The school has a set of letters to send to parents who do not follow the guidance to attend on a daily basis and to report illness on the day, returning as soon as the child is well. Parents are encouraged to call and talk with the headteacher if their child is saying they feel unwell or are anxious about coming to school.
For the academic year 2022-2023 our overall attendance was 94.17% This represents an improvement over the year as a whole. Year six had the best attendance with 97.2%. Unauthorised absence has improved from 0.98% to 0.47% and 25 children which represents 39%, have an attendance of 98% or higher
For the academic year 2021-2022 our overall attendance was 92%
For the academic year 2020-2021 our overall attendance was 95%
Requests for absence can be made through the school Office in advance of the dates. Derbyshire County Council (DCC) do fine families for taking time out of school, please see the Attendance Policy
Following DCC guidelines, holidays during term time will NOT be authorised or for:
- birthdays
- travelling time for a holiday or to an event
- resting after a late night
- relatives visiting or visiting relatives
- holidays in term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances where each application will be considered by the Headteacher on its own merits
- other circumstances which the school feels are not appropriate
- weddings (only authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher eg. close family member (parents and siblings) and on production of a copy of the invitation?
We all had excellent attendance last term! Some of us were in school 100% of the time WOW!