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Meet the Governors

Hello my name is Claire Walsh, I've been the Chair of the governing body since 2021, joining the governing body in 2019 as a parent governor. My twin girls moved up to Hope Valley College in September 2022. I work full-time at Sheffield Hallam University as the Head of Academic Development and Inclusivity. I am also a registered nurse and worked in the NHS for 20 years, before I moved to teach nursing before starting my current role.  We love Eyam as a family and value the role school has in village life. 



My name is Robert Court. I am Vice-chair of the governing body having been a governor since 2017. I am a foundation governor, nominated by Eyam Church. My wife and I live in Foolow. Until I retired, I was Head Master of Birkdale School in Sheffield, having previously taught in London. My main subject is physics, although I also taught some Maths and general studies. I stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Derbyshire Dales in the 2019 General Election and will be the candidate at the next General Election too.


Hello, My name is Jayne Pritzlaff and I am a parent governor.  I joined the governing body in February 2021 and I live in Eyam.  I have a daughter in Owl class and an older daughter at Lady Manners School.   I work as the Curriculum Leader for Languages at Lady Manners, teaching German and French. 





My name is Clare Harley, I'm a parent governor and joined the governing body in 2021.  I live in Eyam and have two children at Eyam School, one in Owls and one in Hedgehogs, and another who will be starting in 2023.  I currently run a small sewing business, but before that I worked for the Peak District National Park Authority as a Learning and Development Officer for over 10 years, planning and leading field trips for all ages from reception to undergraduate.




I’m Rona Cole and I am a parent governor. I joined the governing body in February 2021. I live in Foolow and have two children in Hedgehogs. I'm a keen sports woman playing tennis for Bamford’s tennis team and do plenty of trail running. I work in Risk Strategy for HSBC where I have spent most of my career as a Lending and Commercial manager supporting businesses. 




My name is Ruth Nuttall, I am a local authority governor and I joined the governing body in November 2021.  I grew up in Eyam and am a former pupil of the school myself. I have two children, one of which is in Hedgehogs. I am currently on maternity leave with my youngest child but work as a curriculum leader in further education at Buxton and Leek College with 20 years FE teaching experience. 




My name is Rosalind Buckingham. I live in Eyam and my four children all went to Eyam school.  I was asked to become a governor several years ago to help with the school finances and, with others, I have been endeavouring to keep the school finances in a healthy state since. 





Hello, my name is Kay Mason. I’m currently an associate governor, over the years I’ve also been a staff and co-opted governor. I live in the village and have worked here at school, in the office, since June 1993. I attended Eyam School, as did my mum, grandma, my children and grandchildren. When I’m not working I enjoy being a hands-on grandma, cooking and gardening. 



My name is Rebecca Perring, and I am standing in as Staff Governor while Mrs McGuire is on maternity leave. I have been working at Eyam Primary School for over 7 years and am one of the TA in Owls class as well as working with children around emotional literacy. I was an infant teacher for 10 years before coming to Eyam and I have been a governor at primary and secondary schools locally for over 20 years as a parent and community governor. I also work as a dyslexia skills tutor for university students and I have a particular interest in children’s special educational needs and mental health having completed Master’s in these areas over the last few years.

My name is Pauline Hutson. I joined as a Community Governor in 2023. I live in Eyam with my husband, and we run a busy Bed and Breakfast business. Prior to working in hospitality, my career has been solely NHS working as an Operating Theatre Manager initially and then qualifying as a Nurse Endoscopist and Gastrointestinal Advanced Practitioner. I have four grandchildren of primary school age, two in Liverpool and two in Germany.  


What is the role of the Governing body?

The governing body is responsible for the strategic planning and management of the school. The role of the governors is to challenge, question and support the headteacher and staff to ensure that the children at Eyam Primary School receive the best possible education and care. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. 

Committee Structure and Remit of the Governing Body

Governors Code of Conduct 

Governor Roles and membership

Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024

Chair's Report for Summer 2023