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May 2023

  • Fun and friendship in the forest

    Published 31/05/23

    Everyone has been enjoying a forest challenge this year - building boats, making mini dens, tarp shelters, cutting and sharpening willow to make marshmallow sticks and toasting these on the fire. The children play forest games which teach respect for the environment as well as a chance to run around, hide and work as a team on group challengers!  A big thanks to Rachel for facilitating this. .... more photos to follow 

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  • Eco Warriors are busy boosting biodiversity!

    Published 22/05/23

    We were pleased to invite Mike to help bless our extended hedge. There were lots of opportunities for team work, careful planting and discovery about the names of the saplings and how they will later provide cover and food for birds and insects as well as help to soak up any downpours we might have in the future. 

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  • Indoor Athletics for Y3 and Y4

    Published 22/05/23
    Did you know - the Government has identified a reduction in Sporting skills and the time spent 'doing' sports for children in lower key stage 2. So this year there has been an increase in the amount of sports on offer for Y3/4. Its not always
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  • Dance is a hit!

    Published 22/05/23

    The children were thrilled with their expressive dance routines - moving to music is both relaxing, invigorating and an opportunity to be creative. 

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  • Eyam works with the Ministry of Chocolate

    Published 19/05/23

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  • Brilliant brass!

    Published 19/05/23

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May 2023